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Athletic ActivismEventsNews

Aggie Soccer Kickin’ Childhood Cancer in 2019

By September 16, 2019 No Comments

Within a regulation soccer match, at least 30 brave children will discover they have cancer.  Our only goal is to enable a cure.  #TurnItGold

Stand with Aggie Soccer in supporting real change. Share the Aggie Spirit and the notion of selfless service by helping us to make a real difference in a cure for childhood cancer for Turn It Gold! #12thManIsGold #AthleticActivism

Turn it Gold Game:
When: Friday, September 26 vs. Kentucky
Where: Ellis Field
Time: 6:30 PM

Need Tickets?

Just a small donation will go a long way to helping the team meet our goal. We are beyond grateful for all contributions made through the Aggie Soccer fundraising page. To that end, any supporter who gives:

  • Visit the team’s official fundraising page at 12thMan.Is.Gold
  • $100 donation earns a soccer ball signed by the 2019 Fightin’ Texas Aggie Soccer team
  • $200 donation earns a game-worn jersey (sizes/supplies are limited, and specific numbers are not available for request)

*Please note that the above items will be mailed immediately following the conclusion of the Turn It Gold Game on Sunday September 26th.

#BeBrave #BeBold #TurnItGold #BTHOKidCancer

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