by Stephanie Marie (Seattle, WA)
Lathyn was always a child full of personality. Someone who knew no strangers and treated everyone like they mattered. He has always had an ability to make people smile, and make people feel special. IN August of 2014 our family rallied around him as he began the hardest fight he has ever had, he was fighting for his life.
We learned that Lathyn had brain cancer, a type of brain cancer that while not uncommon did not have very much research funding. His doctors did not have answers and many times we heard, he won’t live longer then 6 months. Lathyn would kindly smile and tell them that God was going to heal him. Lathyn endured 39 chemo infusions, countless pokes, procedures appointments and sleepless nights. I can honestly say he smiled through it all. He didn’t let cancer steal his joy. He didn’t let cancer steal anything, but his hair :).
Lathyn is now off of chemo. What people don’t often know is that, unless God preforms a miracle he will forever live with his tumor. While it isn’t growing currently, there is nothing certain about the future. The doctors just don’t know. Thankfully Lathyn knows who determines his future and has no anxiety about it. Lathyn’s journey continues and will for his life. As all children with cancer, it’s a lifetime battle.
We need more research to help our kids. Let’s be BOLD and go GOLD for all our little fighters!