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by Raimi Amsbury (Post Falls, ID)

My nephew Landon was diagnosed this past month with stage 4 metastic neuroblastoma. He is only two years old.

Here is his story from his parents:
To give a brief summary, a few weeks ago Landon had been complaining about back pain. We took him to his doctor and after an X‐ray we believed that he was dealing with constipation. We were able to get him all cleaned out but he still continued to complain of the pain periodically. He still continues to act like a normal toddler but slowly we and his daycare noticed some changes. He just didn’t seem as much like himself and wasn’t eating as well. We went back to his doctor and ran some lab work that all came back normal. We weren’t sure what to do next.

On Monday March 7th we received a phone call from his daycare that he didn’t feel well, didn’t want to be touched, and was just crying. We rushed him back to his doctor who referred us to Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital. We were admitted through the ER that night and spent the next four days going through blood tests, CT scans, MRIs, bone scans, needle aspirates, and ultrasounds until on Friday March 11th the doctor told us that there was a mass they found around his spine and it was cancerous…

We have never felt such sickening devastation in our lives.

The diagnosis was confirmed March 15 and that it had spread to his bone marrow. Our beautiful, happy son has stage four metastatic neuroblastoma. Our world has been turned upside down as we now face this battle but we are a strong family with amazing physical and spiritual support. We will BEAT this!

Here is his page showing his journey.


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